Our staff have been trained by US Dept of State, CIA, and TSA. Castle Rock Consulting Group has provided dignitary protection in major metropolitan areas throughout the US aligned and in partnership with US Secret Service guidelines. We have extensive experience in protecting C-Suite corporate individuals, international dignitaries, high net worth individuals. Our staff have also protected high value target individuals traveling internationally under extreme threat.
Information is power and knowing the terrain, your customers and competitors is invaluable. We provide intelligence to enable effective management of your personal affairs and business decisions.
Castle Rock has been contracted to provide recommendations on existing security procedures and this typically results in discovery of illicit activity which we have successfully interdicted through the implementation of an internal investigation using undercover operations. We find that most corporations have security plans in place but that they are not tested, adhered to, or are outdated.
DIGNITARY PROTECTION (Domestic & International)
Castle Rock staff members have years of experience breaking major cases where the key to success was obtaining seemingly irretrievable evidence. This was accomplished in part conducting covert surveillance and witness interviews. We provide this service as a regular part of our investigative efforts as very often interviews and research cannot provide enough information to see the whole picture. We have also provided investigative and surveillance training worldwide to other law enforcement and government agencies.
Through due diligence research and surveillance we have been successful in locating missing persons such as elderly relatives and estranged family members with substance abuse issues who have gone off the grid.
Includes Civil and criminal witness depositions, locating witnesses. Our investigative staff have spent a career working with attorneys to ensure facts are uncovered with the capability to deliver information with expert testimony to any court or governing body. Through interviews and expert surveillance, we obtain hard to find information that is crucial in establishing and bolstering witness credibility or lack of credibility.
Whether it is a business, home office, your residence or vacation property we have a turn key solution from man power onsite to providing consultation and installation of low profile surveillance equipment providing a reassuring peace of mind. We provide onsite protection 24 hours a day.
We have multiple former tactical response agents on staff who have provided active shooter training to fortune 500 corporations educating them on up to date tactical procedures. Our training also highlights pre-attack behavior triggers and profiles of individuals involved in past incidents.
For individuals or corporations. We access public and privately owned and managed databases for a wide range of issues from missing person cases to pre-employment background to pre-transactional vetting.
Castle Rock has designed and implemented security plans for protecting vulnerable sites containing high value assets.

Former military & retired/active law enforcement professionals from local, state and federal agencies.
Services Provided
Surveillance -- Dignitary Protection (Domestic & International)
Due Diligence -- Hostile Termination Assistance -- Site Protection
Litigation Support -- Internal & Undercover Investigations -- Asset Protection
Risk Mitigation -- Missing Persons Investigations
Includes Civil and criminal witness depositions, locating witnesses. Our investigative staff have spent a career working with attorneys to ensure facts are uncovered with the capability to deliver information with expert testimony to any court or governing body. Through interviews and expert surveillance, we obtain hard to find information that is crucial in establishing and bolstering witness credibility or lack of credibility.
Castle Rock has been contracted to provide recommendations on existing security procedures and this typically results in discovery of illicit activity which we have successfully interdicted through the implementation of an internal investigation using undercover operations. We find that most corporations have security plans in place but that they are not tested, adhered to, or are outdated.
Castle Rock has designed and implemented security plans for protecting vulnerable sites containing high value assets.

For individuals or corporations. We access public and privately owned and managed databases for a wide range of issues from missing person cases to pre-employment background to pre-transactional vetting.
We have multiple former tactical response agents on staff who have provided active shooter training to fortune 500 corporations educating them on up to date tactical procedures. Our training also highlights pre-attack behavior triggers and profiles of individuals involved in past incidents.

Whether it is a business, home office, your residence or vacation property we have a turn key solution from man power onsite to providing consultation and installation of low profile surveillance equipment providing a reassuring peace of mind. We provide onsite protection 24 hours a day.

Information is power and knowing the terrain, your customers and competitors is invaluable. We provide intelligence to enable effective management of your personal affairs and business decisions

Through due diligence research and surveillance we have been successful in locating missing persons such as elderly relatives and estranged family members with substance abuse issues who have gone off the grid.
Castle Rock staff members have years of experience breaking major cases where the key to success was obtaining seemingly irretrievable evidence. This was accomplished in part conducting covert surveillance and witness interviews. We provide this service as a regular part of our investigative efforts as very often interviews and research cannot provide enough information to see the whole picture. We have also provided investigative and surveillance training worldwide to other law enforcement and government agencies.

Our staff have been trained by US Dept of State, CIA, and TSA. Castle Rock Consulting Group has provided dignitary protection in major metropolitan areas throughout the US aligned and in partnership with US Secret Service guidelines. We have extensive experience in protecting C-Suite corporate individuals, international dignitaries, high net worth individuals. Our staff have also protected high value target individuals traveling internationally under extreme threat.

Experienced domestically and globally.
Tel: 781-581-0129
Sean Foley
Castle Rock Consulting Group is a Private Investigations and Security Consulting Firm staffed by former US military, state local and federal law enforcement professionals experienced in providing risk mitigation and security consultation to leading industry firms in legal, financial management firms, healthcare, high net worth individuals. Our reach is comprehensive domestically and globally.